Welcome to the Infrastructure section for MUNCH 25!
In this section we are going to tell you a little bit about what we do for MUNCH. The short of it is that we run the entire show from behind the scenes, helping with the coordination, planning and overseeing of the entire event right from start to finish, working closely with the Technical Team and the main Organising Committee, so you can have a great time coming here to debate.
Throughout your time at MUNCH, you may see us wandering around site and popping in on your debates. If you do see us give us a wave! Our purpose is to make the weekend run as smoothly as possible so if there is anything you need do ask us. With this job there is never a dull moment so please do not be shy to ask us - I'm sure we've heard your question before.
When we aren't out roaming the school grounds, we'll be in the office. Either way we’ll be dressed in sharp suits with shiny new name badges and walkie-talkies, checking up on the many different committee rooms and areas that we have to monitor. We can't wait to see you at our conference!
We hope everything goes smoothly and well for you. Enjoy your weekend!
Nicole Danam
Event Manager